Are You One of the Millions of American’s Suffering with Severe Fatigue?

Regardless of sleep, caffeine, or activity levels you just can regain your normal energy levels?

Request Your Appointment


If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. The team here at Guyer Wellness Group, specialize in helping patients just like you get their life back. If you have been dealing with chronic and severe fatigue and you are ready to discover the root cause of the problem so you can heal, we can help.

What is Chronic Fatigue?
According to the CDC, people with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) have overwhelming fatigue and a host of other symptoms that are not improved by bed rest and that can get worse after physical activity or mental exertion. They often function at a substantially lower level of activity than they were capable of before they became ill.
Besides severe fatigue, other symptoms include muscle pain, impaired memory or mental concentration, insomnia, and post-exertion malaise lasting more than 24 hours. In some cases, CFS can persist for years.

What Causes Adrenal / Chronic Fatigue?
Chronic low to moderate grade stress or sudden onset Acute stress from physical, chemical, mental, emotional or environmental overload to the system.
Immune Dysfunction- if you suffer from recurrent infections, colds or sinus problems this can be an underlying cause of your fatigue.

  • Abnormally low blood pressure that can cause fainting
  • Nutritional Deficiency
  • Blood Sugar Dysregulation
  • Lack of deep, quality sleep
  • Adrenals and Low Cortisol also called “Adrenal Fatigue”
  • Food Intolerance
  • Hormone Imbalance
  • Toxic Burden
  • GI Dysfunction
  • Thyroid Disorder
  • Autoimmune Conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Celiac, Lyme and Hashimoto’s

How Do We Help to Correct Your Condition?
Here at Guyer Wellness Group, we take a personalized approach to your health care. We begin with an in-depth health & lifestyle assessment coupled with a clinical evaluation and exam. Based on the findings the we will recommend only the necessary testing needed to determine the root cause contributing factors causing your chronic fatigue.

Once the results are in, your plan of correction may include a combination of therapies, treatments, medication, natural or homeopathic remedies, nutritional support and or lifestyle correction so you can stop feeling tired and start feeling like YOU! To get to the real cause of your Fatigue, call to schedule your appointment today. Our team is here to help you get back to living your best life.