Boston Heart DiagnosticsIt is Impossible to Prevent What You Cannot Predict
A high level look at advanced testing and cardiovascular/cardiometabolic disease

The Boston Heart Diagnostics Blood test uses a unique approach to assess your personal risk for cardiovascular disease:

FACT: One in three Americans suffer from some sort of cardiovascular disease. The blood tests you may have already had are part of a standard lipid profile, a combination of tests used routinely for many years to evaluate the amounts of lipids in your body. But…

FACT: 50% of people who have had a heart attack have normal cholesterol measured by the standard lipid profile.

Boston Heart Diagnostic Blood testing gives us all this information and more, so you receive a personalized treatment plan. Boston Heart uses blood tests to help determine if and where you are at risk for heart disease. It offers you a unique set of highly specialized blood tests in 4 different categories to understand your risk factors.

  • Cholesterol tests to determine your risks of heart attack or stroke from blocked blood vessels or hardened arteries
  • Inflammation tests to determine your risk factors based on narrowed or blocked arteries from plaque buildup
  • Metabolic tests to show your risk factors for developing diabetes or how your body is reacting to treatment if you already have it
  • Genetic tests to determine if you are genetically more likely to have heart disease risks

For many years, LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) has been used as a primary indicator of cardiovascular disease risk. Research has now shown that the different sizes, composition and characteristics of LDL and HDL impact cardiovascular risk in drastically different ways. Boston Heart Diagnostics lab work includes:

  • The Boston Heart HDL Map™test – Checks for HDL functioning and gives a more accurate cardiovascular risk. It guides an effective treatment strategy.
  • Boston Heart Cholesterol Balance™ test – Measures cholesterol liver productions and dietary absorption and helps guide targeted therapy.
  • Statin Induced Myopathy (SLCO1B1) Genotype test – Identifies which patients are at high risk for side effects to statins (4-10 X risk) particularly for muscle side effects (myopathy).

Learn more about Boston Heart testing and diagnostics now.